Monday, July 11, 2011

The Bedside Table : Momma's little corner

This is the intro post to the category Momma's little corner. This will be about us hard working momma's and how we can carve out some time for ourselves and create little nooks and crannies around the home just for our comfort! I am starting with the silliest little thing. My bedside table. Please excuse the dusty blinds in the picture ( you will learn quite quickly on this blog that I'm not perfect! ) Anyway, I was reading this fantastic article about how we can create little spaces around the house for ourselves and I realized I already had a little comfy spot. I love to lay down at night and realize I have everything I need right at hand ( I didnt include the water bottle, it just didnt look pretty lol). I have a checkered mat that matches my bedspread. I have a pretty brass plate thing that holds my lotions and linen spray ( lavender vanilla sleep therapy lotion and sensual linen spray, ooh la la ). My kids so kindly bought me the sleep mask for mothers day which I just KNOW one day I will use! Plus, I have my scriptures and my journal. Alot of times I will also have a stack of books Im reading on there, plus a little post it pad that I got when I learned that some insomniacs do better if they keep one beside there bed. That way they don't have to jump out of bed to write down every little thing that pops into their brain. I have that problem big time. My brain never stops! Now I can jot the thought down, then go back to bed. Sometimes my ipod is all wrapped up nicely in the brass holder. ( which i got at walmart for like 3 bucks!) I like this little corner because every night, before bed, I read scriptures, write in my journal, put on my sleepy time lotion, spray the linens with the sensual spray ( oooh lala again!) and then I can snuggle in bed and either read, or listen to my ipod or just go to sleep knowing that everything is nice and handy. Wanna share what's on your bedside table? Oh, sometimes I keep flowers on it that my kids pick me! Anyway, this category will have all kinds of neat things in it.... I have so many ideas. Make from home beauty things like masks and foot soaks, more little spaces around the home, favorite books for momma's. Let me know if you have suggestions! :)

1 comment:

The Rich Family said...

How funny! We are just alike in so many ways! I like to keep all my special things on my nightstand too. Lets see, what is on my nightstand..... My journal, my scriptures, the book I am reading, a notebook and pin, pretty much everything you said. I also have a pic of me and the hubby, my favorite pic of my kids, a couple candles and my little keepsake box with all my favorite memories inside. I think I will add the lotions to my bedside like you, that's a good idea.