
Monday, March 5, 2012

100th POST GIVEAWAY!!!!!

Wow, I’m really excited! This little dream I had last summer seems to be coming true! We hit our 100th post today! That’s something to celebrate! So I went searching for something to give away. I like doing giveaways! Just ask Emily…. she got her family fun night box last week…. it was pretty cool if I do say so myself!
So I love I love handmade things, I love how people use their talents. So I was searching for something that an LDS family would like, and after searching thru a bazillion things I found it. It’s perfect. The owner of this shop, Heather, well she’s amazing and talented. Her art is awesome. She’s pretty dang nice too. Winking smile
So without further ado…. we are pleased to announce that we will be giving away this!!!!
So cute huh!!!! TOTALLY FRAMEABLE !!!!
Here’s the rules amigos:
* Go to and tell me what your fave thing is she has… put it in the comments below :)
* Become a follower of the blog, put it in the comments below that you are or became a follower.
* Join our facebook group!!/groups/168800359856535/ if you are already a member, tell me! if not join and then tell me! lol, comment below!
* Tell me your favorite post on – we have 100 posts for you to choose from now!!!!! comment below!!
* Share this website with your friends… twitter, facebook, smoke signals… whatever :) leave a comment below!!
* that’s it. I could keep going but honestly, some of the things I’d ask you to do would just start getting weird. hehe. I love you all!!!! Happy Parenting! JL~
quick edit-- I forgot to tell you when this ends.... I'm gonna give you till friday folks!!! :) SO EXCITED!!!!!


  1. I love the I am a Child of God. Love it!

  2. (Sorry, I wrote the comment above w/o thinking - meant to say that I asked to join the FB group. :)

    Since I'm a new follower, I haven't read many of your posts, but the ones I did read, I enjoyed. Can't wait to read more. :) The one about teaching your children housework and someone shared the story about her 8 year old son cleaning the bathroom was awesome. Made me lol. Especially since I have an 8 year old. Looks like I need to get him to start cleaning the entire bathroom. :)

  3. Beautiful Temple Prints from the home. I love the Temples and we have a picture that my husband has taken from every Temple that we have been in. I love displaying the Temples in our home.

  4. Wow, congrats on the 100th post! I'm already a follower. :o)

  5. I love the Primary Songs subway art. I find I'm always singing or humming primary songs or hymns when I'm doing chores, so I would love to have this displayed in my home somewhere.

  6. "Come what may and love it" is my favorite!

  7. I am a member of the Facebook Group

    Jennifer Chilton Blythe


    My favorite post... it's the topic I shared my testimony on this past Sunday!

  9. I love the Freedom art. I also like the Tie Your Bonnet on Sister cause we're going to Zion!

    nicolmontero at gmail dot com

  10. Following the blog

    nicolmontero at gmail dot com

  11. I've been following you on facebook for a few weeks.

    nicolmontero at gmail dot com

  12. I really liked the Reading in the Evenings. I love to read and love to read to my children but often by the end of the day I find that I didn't get the reading in.

    nicolmontero at gmail dot com

  13. Just joined your facebook group and I am so excited/ Its nice to hear other peoples experiences with their children. We are all trying to get our families back to Heavenly Father and we all need all the help we can get.


Thanks for taking the time to comment! It helps me to know what to write about, what you like and what you don't like! Have a fantastic family day! :) Love, JL