
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Children Need Adventures !

The other day, my son Dylan ( pictured above) informed me that he needed to have some adventures so that when he grew up and had children, he could tell them all about the great adventures he had as a child! That made me stop and think, what in the world could I do to make it so that my boy had some adventures? ! 

Living in the great town of Hannibal, MO- I should know how to have adventures! We are the town of Tom Sawyer for heaven's sake! So I talked with my husband and told him that our boy needed to have some adventures! So he took him fishing! ( way to go Tom Sawyer!)

Children who have adventures, meaning they get to experience life first-hand, are less self-centered and more interested in the great world around him. While children defintely have the right to be silly, when they get to experience learning and knowledge thru first-hand experiences they can say, I know this because I experienced it! They have confidence and power. They often want to share their experiences with others. I love it when my kids get excited about something they have experienced and they want to teach others about it. Some examples, when we caught tadpoles and watched them grow into frogs, when we got chickens and bunnies, and when they show their friends the "woods" behind our house.

Children need enivronments that stimulate them and experiences that excite them! Their minds grow and they stay excited about the world and learning. So what kinds of adventures can you have with your children? Start with simple things, that involve nature like catching fireflies at night. Take them on an adventure at the local state park. Sleep under the stars one night. Catch snowflakes on their tongues and build snow forts.

Here is a great link for some fun activities that you can turn into adventures! This website is super cute too!

So, what kind of adventures do your children have? I want to know!!! Coming from the home of Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn.... I love adventures! :)
Happy Parenting! Love, JL~


  1. Adventures teaches children something that will affect their life.

  2. I agree 100%. My daughters usually have lots of adventures right in the back yard, but love to go to grandma and grandpa's. They live in the mountains and so we get to hike, swim, and have tons of adventures everyday we are there. I am stopping by from The Family Network and am a new follower. Hope to see you at True Aim! Thanks for sharing what your son said!


Thanks for taking the time to comment! It helps me to know what to write about, what you like and what you don't like! Have a fantastic family day! :) Love, JL