
Thursday, July 12, 2012

July Family Network Challenge-- WATERMELON!!!!


When this warm weather rolls around each summer I can't help but think of watermelon. And luckily it is everywhere right now. So, this month we have a great Family Challenge for you! It's time to have some summer fun!

The Challenge: Watermelon!

Eat it, play a game with it, create something with it, or do a craft about it. Whatever you do, have some fun with your family, take a picture, if possible, and share what you did with us!

Here are some fun ideas I found on the web:

Watermelon Toss, Spitting , Eating Competitions

Watermelon Carving:

Go simple with a Watermelon Jello Bowl (below) or fancier. (This site has tons of fun watermelon carving ideas).

Watermelon Carving

Watermelon Craft

Paint Watermelon Nails


Make a Watermelon Recipe:

One of many out there is this yummy Watermelon Frosty


I can't wait to see what you come up with!

Share your Watermelon Fun below by:
1: Commenting right here on our blog! 2: Jump on over to our Facebook Page and leaving a comment or a link for everyone to see! 3: Or simply share your Summer Bucket List on your blog and leave the link to your post via our inlinkz tool below: Brought to you by:

The Family Network


Fun on a dime spring blog button play with your family

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Thanks for taking the time to comment! It helps me to know what to write about, what you like and what you don't like! Have a fantastic family day! :) Love, JL