
Sunday, October 28, 2012

Some of the projects I have been working on.....

I have been busy busy busy with homeschooling and with some other little projects, so I have neglected my blog here, but I want to share with you some of the projects I have been working on. I have an LDS Prayer Group on facebook :!/groups/151805041627122/   ( hopefully that will take you to the group!) and I am also a member of my local facebook prayer request group. I have been studying up alot on prayer. It is such a strong resource for us. So I started a small website that is just for prayer requests.... It helps me to keep track of who to pray for and also, others can go there and find real people who are in need of our prayers. You can find it here: and also, you can find me on facebook or email me at and I will put your prayer requests up and pray for you!

Another neat project I have been working on:   this is the Home Education Council of America's site... I have been blessed to write curriculum for this AMAZING site.. I just finished my first course, a music appreciation course, which will be put up soon, and they have an amazing catalog full of online courses for families. I am blessed to be a part of this and soon I will be writing more curriculum for the site!

Third: I have been homeschooling my babies!!! It takes alot of time, but I'm blessed. I am thankful to be an active part of this amazing group on facebook :!/groups/6303504230/ ( 0nce again, hope that gets you there, but its called LDS Homeschoolers) and they are a wonderful resource for LDS homeschoolers, and also just really great people who are great at brainstorming ways to help us raise our families!

So that is just a few of the things I have been working on, so I have neglected this blog, but I feel so strongly that I need to get back to work on this... its important!!!

With Love, JL~

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Thanks for taking the time to comment! It helps me to know what to write about, what you like and what you don't like! Have a fantastic family day! :) Love, JL