
Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Summer Fun~ Summer Bucket List~ Guest Post!

                                              ( image via

School is coming to end and that means Summer Vacation.  For most of us, that means our children will be home with us all day, every day…..ALL SUMMER!!  Summer vacation doesn’t have to be boring or dreadful either.  It can be a fun time with our kids, as long as we plan fun things –things to keep them going so we don’t hear those dreadful words “I’m Bored”.

One fun thing you can do is make a Summer Bucket List.  Things you want to do during summer vacation.  If you go onto Pinterest website –you can see all sorts of ways to do this.  One fun way is writing it all out, in various marker colors, on a big poster board.  You can add a little box to each one, to check off when you have done it.  You can put this poster board up where you all can see it.

Here is a list of ideas to get you started (note: You don’t have to do all of these, they are just “suggestions”.)


1.       Water balloon fight

2.       Your driveway is an empty canvas –fill it up with chalk drawings

3.       Make s’mores

4.       Have a lemonade stand

5.       Bake a batch of cookies

6.       Go to the Park

7.       Visit the Zoo

8.       Take a bike ride

9.       Go on a nature walk

10.   Do arts and crafts (you can find all sorts of cheap things at the Dollar store, dollar sports at places like Target or Michaels Craft Store)

11.   Play a game of soccer, soft ball, basketball

12.   Sleep under the stars

13.   Go camping (you don’t even have to leave your own backyard –set up a tent in your yard)

14.   Have a relay race with the neighborhood kids

15.   Play flashlight tag

16.   Go to the movies.  Most often local movie theatres have either free or cheap movies during the summer.  Check out:

17.   Go bowling

18.   Go on a picnic

19.   Learn a new language

20.   Go to Temple visitors center

21.   Go to the Hill Cumorah Pageant

22.   Read the Book of Mormon as a family

23.   Go the Library.  Maybe take out books on one subject –something you want to learn more about.

24.   Go get ice cream

25.   Take a day trip. Pack the cooler, load up the car, and go see what adventures you can find.

This is a short list, but just ideas to get you get started.  Do some on this, do them all, add to it.  Take photos when you are making your memories with your kids.  At the end of the summer, work on a My Summer Vacation scrapbook.  Each kid can work on their own book.  They can look back at all the memories that were made.   Just remember to have fun!! 
Here's another printable background you can use to create your own :
                                           ( image via )
This post was written by my good friend Mary Rawson. She is a talented scrapbooker/artist and is involved in some neat businesses! She is a loyal and great friend and I love her! Thanks again Mary for writing this up! I think you may have a pretty great talent in writing!!
Love, JL~ Happy Parenting!

1 comment:

Thanks for taking the time to comment! It helps me to know what to write about, what you like and what you don't like! Have a fantastic family day! :) Love, JL