
Thursday, January 23, 2014

The Brownies Did It! Parenting Fail.... and Parenting Win?

So I've decided to be more personal on this blog, just because I really enjoy writing that way. Plus I want you to get to know me as a parent! I love being a mommy! I have fun with my kids and I take the responsibility of parenting very seriously! Today, I had a definite parenting fail... but it kind of turned into a win! Share with me in the comments a parenting fail or win that you've had today! Here's the story!

Hubby had a rough start to work today, so I thought we would make him a little treat for when he came home. I made brownies with white chocolate chips in them. They turned out yummy! Of course I had to take a teeny weeny piece from the corner to make sure they were fit to eat... hehehe! So my daughters came in the kitchen ( they could smell what the MOMMA was cooking! ) and I was silly and took a little piece of brownie and smooshed it in their mouths while they were laughing! I took another piece and gave it to my oldest daughter and said " go smoosh this in Dylan's mouth.. he'll love it! "  OK, here comes the parenting fail!!! I guess Dylan was really focusing on his math work and Marlee kind of snuck up on him and seriously smashed the brownie right into his mouth! He jumped up and yelled then bopped her in the stomach! I came in and saw him bop her in the stomach so I yelled " I told her to do it.. as a joke Dylan!!" and then..... wait for it.... I bopped him in the stomach and said " Don't bop your sister in the stomach!" ..... silence............ ( before you go crazy thinking I beat my children.. when I say bop.. I mean bop not punch or beat! )

Ok.... silence.... then Dylan busted out laughing and said... "seriously mom??" I then grabbed him in a hug and started rubbing his belly jokingly and said " oh my gosh did I hurt you Dylan?? I just sucker punched my son!!!" He laughed even harder and told me that it didn't even hurt and that I really needed to start working out, because my bop is lousy. :( LOL

After that we all started laughing and I took the opportunity to apologize to Dylan for bopping him. Then I reminded him that we NEVER hit or bop or hurt anyone. ( Yeah I know... great example huh!) As everyone laughed, I secretly freaked out thinking.. major parenting fail!!! But I finally looked at Dylan and said... The Brownies Did It! Not Me! Everyone was happy and  laughing and Dylan apologized to Marlee. We then ate a brownie. Those darn brownies.. making you do awful things... !!!!

Here's a pic of Dylan on a mommy/son date to the farmer's market... see, I love him! LOL!

Share with me a parenting fail or win you've had today!!
Happy Parenting! Love, JL~

1 comment:

  1. Funny story! I love that you're being open and honest. What a great reaction from Dylan when you told him that you told Marlee to do that. I love that y'all could laugh it off and, what could have been a more heated situation (which it totally would've been at my house), ended up being a great moment. :)


Thanks for taking the time to comment! It helps me to know what to write about, what you like and what you don't like! Have a fantastic family day! :) Love, JL