
Thursday, December 8, 2016

Thoughts on Mary ~ Mother of Jesus

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     Mary~ mother of Jesus. Oh how I love her. I have loved learning about her and I wanted to share a few things , in light of the Christmas Season. 

     I think about how incredibly precious this woman was to our Father in Heaven. She had prepared well, according to her culture, to become a good wife. Not only by learning to cook and prepare things and care for a household but she prepared spiritually according to the religion and culture she was raised in. She had a deep appreciation for the Sabbath day and the rules that went along with it. Just imagine how thankful Heavenly Father was for this handmaiden who had prepared well and was worthy in every way to be blessed to carry the son of God. 

     I think about how incredibly overwhelming this task she was given would be to her. I get overwhelmed at the littlest of things ! Could you imagine the first few thoughts that ran through her head when she realized what an immense task this would be ? But I absolutely love the verse that follows the shepherds coming to see the newborn babe in the manger- it states in Luke 2:19 that 
".... Mary kept all these things and pondered them in her heart." 

     Don't you think that if it shows in the Scriptures that she pondered the things that had happened at that point.... that she would take time and quietly ponder and treasure this amazing task that she had been blessed with ? 

                                   image courtesy of natalie snapp

     I love how Mary goes straight to her cousin Elizabeth. When I first found out i was pregnant I couldn't wait to tell everyone and rejoice and just laugh and be giddy at the thought of becoming a mother ! I love the relationship Mary has with her cousin Elizabeth. Not only that- but Elizabeth was also pregnant with a very special babe ! Can you even imagine their joy ? In Luke 1 it states that Mary praised her Father in Heaven. What an example she is to me ! She praised her Father with these words in Luke VERSES 46-55

     Then of course we come to the blessed event of her delivering the Son of God, the King of Kings, the Prince of Peace. We all know she went through such difficult times like riding on the back of a donkey for miles and miles - oh the thought makes me cringe. How thankful I am for her strength and obedience ! 
She gets to the town and finally probably thinks she can rest and be comfortable for a bit. No room at the inn. Mary delivered a child in a stable. She is my hero. In so many ways. 

                               image courtesy of pinterest 

     I like to think of her raising Jesus. She must have smiled and laughed at his little child antics ! She must have loved and adored him and what a blessing to look into this precious face and kiss him ! I love the lyric in the song " Mary did you Know" where they sing , " Mary did you know, that when you kiss your little baby- you kiss the face of God ?" wow. It blows me away every time. That entire song just absolutely makes me stop and ponder the enormity of Mary's mission on this earth. Here's my favorite version of the song : 


     I could talk on the subject of this precious woman for days, but I'm going to close with a quote from the book, " Daughters of God" by S Michael Wilcox 

     " Mary felt deeply the pains of her Son many times throughout her life but none more strongly than when she stood at the foot of the cross. " For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son" John 3:16. 
Mary too, gave her son, a gift that caused a sword to pierce her soul. When Jesus was on the cross he cried out, " My God, my God, who hast thou forsaken me ? " Matthew 27:46. 
For the son to fulfill his great atoning sacrifice, the Father had to withdraw his Spirit. Nevertheless, Mary, Jesus' mother remained with him during his long hours on the cross." 

     During this Christmas season when we ponder these things close to our hearts like Mary, think about the sacrifice she made... we always talk about how God gave his Son, what a blessed amazing wonderful thing that gift was ! We are so thankful! But my mother's heart is pondering this season, the amazing sacrifices that Mary made, to bring forth this child who would save us all. 

     Merry Christmas my friends. Tell me in the comments what your thoughts are on this. Tell me how you feel about Mary, precious mother of Jesus. 

With Love, JL ~ 
Happy Parenting ! 

1 comment:

  1. Beautifully felt and written. Thank you for this touching reflection!


Thanks for taking the time to comment! It helps me to know what to write about, what you like and what you don't like! Have a fantastic family day! :) Love, JL