
Thursday, April 6, 2017

#PRINCEOFPEACE Family Home Evening and Easter Tree Activity

Winner winner chicken dinner 🐔
Congrats to amy malone our giveaway winner ! 

     When I learned what the new Easter campaign was going to be for the year, I was so excited. Oh how we all long for peace in our lives. In this troubled and loud and chaotic world, it means so much to be able to take time and to be still and learn from the Prince of Peace. The church has suggested eight core principals that can help us to achieve peace in this life. This is something that is so important to teach our children, because not only will it bring them peace, but it teaches them to trust the Savior. That the Savior is loving and involved in their lives and truly wants them to be with Him one day and with our Father in Heaven. 

     I decided to do a Family Home Evening with my family on the #PRINCEOFPEACE campaign and we made a fun Easter Tree that has the eight core principals on it. I'm going to share the FHE with you and also encourage you to go to and learn more and also, please go to THE REDHEADED HOSTESS to find more blog posts with fun activities and printables etc for your family !!! Don't forget to enter my giveaway at the end also ! :) With Love, JL~ 


Song ~ Be Still My Soul Hymn No 124
This is one of my favorite versions of it ~ David Archuleta singing to the Mormon Tabernacle Choir :)

Prayer ~ Select a Family Member :)

Scripture ~ Isaiah 9:6

Lesson ~ On each one of the Eight Core Principals has a section. Use that as your lesson. It has videos and all kinds of stuff. It's perfect !!!!

Activity ~ Making an Easter Tree

Go outside and find a good branch that you can make a little tree ! I used a part of my apple tree that we had pruned but even tiny little "charlie brown " sticks will work if you use little eggs hehe  !!!!
I used EASTER EGG TEMPLATE this site and printed out a bunch of fun easter egg templates for the family to color. Now we let them color the stuff while we did the lesson.... that might help keep little ones occupied while you go over the lesson :)
I used 8 big blank easter egg templates and wrote each of the eight core principals on the eggs.
Then of course we just hung the eggs up and I added a few cheap little plastic eggs etc. and then display it proudly ! When you look at it you can remember each off the principles and throughout your day you can stop and point to the tree and say can someone name one of the things that can bring us peace ? etc etc... plenty of fun ways to teach these principals !

Service Project ~ "You've Been Egged !! "  Print some more of the big easter egg templates ~ Color and write nice things on them about a family or member of your ward that could use a surprise. Maybe write things like " we like the way you always smile and say hi to us each sunday !" or " we love when you sing " etc etc.... then go tape all the eggs to their door and you can leave a little treat etc... and then ring the doorbell and run fast ! Don't forget to make a big egg that says " You've Been Egged !!!" It's so fun !

Song~ I Can Almost Imagine/A Child's Prayer by Kelsey Edwards
You can find more great music from Kelsey Edwards at KELSEY EDWARDS YOUTUBE CHANNEL

Prayer~ Choose A Family Member

Treat~ These cute treat bags from The Dating Divas are darling and they have a huge kit with tons of Christ Centered Easter Activities and Ideas ~ and it's cheap ;) Gotta love a good deal !!
You can go HERE to download it :)

Thanks for stopping by and seeing the different Family Home Evening Ideas I had for the #PrinceofPeace campaign. You can head over to THE RED HEADED HOSTESS and see all of the great things she has and other fun ideas from bloggers !
Here's just a few of the things she has in store for you!


I am giving away a gorgeous Print Pack from DESERET BOOK in honor of the Easter #PRINCEOFPEACE campaign !!!! Here's what you could win :

Thank you so much for stopping by ! Join us on Facebook at LDS PARENTING FB GROUP

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. We have a simple meal, after attending our church meetings, focusing on Christ and His Atonement and Life.

  2. Now that my kids are older, we have been using the "EASTER - the last days of Christ" handouts from [] to study about Christ's life the week leading up to his death and Resurrection. I have LOVED the wonderful questions and incite that my children have brought up in the discussions we have. They are so wonderful and closer to heaven than we can ever imagine!

  3. We get together we extended family (my parents just moved near us). Now we're looking for some meaningful activities to do after our meal, so thank you for your suggestions and hard work putting these things together!

  4. My family likes to have a little Easter egg hunt on Easter morning.

  5. We love to hide eggs and have a family dinner.

  6. My family gets together got a nice dinner, we all dont get together often so its very nice

  7. Just being with my grand kids is fun enough! Seeing them smile and laugh as they are hunting for eggs.

  8. I have loved all of your Easter traditions ! They sound so lovely ! Thank you so much for entering ! Please check back often here on ldsparenting ! Go thru the labels and archives and enjoy ! Also please feel free to join our fb group ! You can access that on the sidebar ! Have a wonderful sacred Easter with your family celebrating the #princeofpeace !


Thanks for taking the time to comment! It helps me to know what to write about, what you like and what you don't like! Have a fantastic family day! :) Love, JL