
Monday, May 29, 2017

FHE~ Captain Moroni and the Title of Liberty

Last night for FHE we did a simple lesson and activity on Captain Moroni and the Title of Liberty. I Wanted to share it with you because it is an easy, meaningful lesson you can do. :) 


Song ~ I Will be Valiant - Childrens Songbook page 162

Lesson ~ 
Read the account of Moroni and the Title of Liberty ~ I started in Alma 46 and read verses 1- 21 ( I stopped at " rending their garments in token, or as a covenant, that they would not forsake their God " 

even Lily , our one tooth bulldog, gets excited for FHE ~ she has the very important role of keeping daddy's spot in the Scriptures with her paw ! ;) 

Discuss the meaning of these verses, discuss how 'The Family ~ A Proclamation ' is our Title of Liberty in these days, etc. 

Here is a link to a quick video from LDS.ORG TITLE OF LIBERTY

Activity ~ get white bandanas ( I got mine at Walmart for 97 cents each ) one for each family member or just kids, and have them write or draw the Title of Liberty on them with sharpies. They can decorate them however they wish ~ my daughter Marlee actually wrote The Family ~ A Proclamation on hers alongside the Title of Liberty ( I didn't get a pic - I wish I had now !! ) They can display these in their rooms :) 

Treat ~ any yummy treat that you have available :) Nice and easy !!! 

What will you be doing for FHE tonight ?? :) 

Happy Parenting ! Love, JL~ 

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Thanks for taking the time to comment! It helps me to know what to write about, what you like and what you don't like! Have a fantastic family day! :) Love, JL