Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Life has it's way of getting chaotic, doesn't it? My life sure does! I had to take a break due to family illness and my daughter getting another kidney stone, pooh on that, silly kidney disease. We are doing so much better now, and I'm feeling that call to write again! Anything you guys interested in reading about?

Also, I'm drumming around ideas in my head for an LDS Family Retreat in Nauvoo this summer, I love planning things like that! Any comments?

Oh, and just some personal exciting news, I started doing geneology with my kids this year, and I just received an email from from a woman who is doing the same geneology line and I had info for her, and she has info for me! So exciting!! Going to be scanning pictures and such and will be getting back the info I need for 5 generations up on the line I'm working on! NEAT!!!!

just a funny pic of my  daughter syd to make you smile :) excuse the mess please! :)
Alrighty, I love you all, hope you haven't given up on me! Love, JL

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