
Monday, April 2, 2012

GET OUTSIDE! { APRIL Monthly Challenge}

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yard 2012 008

This is my first time hosting The Family Network’s Monthly Challenge! I am so excited! It’s a great challenge that we can all do! Here are some of the details :

My family loves to be outdoors together. We start in early spring getting everything ready for a whole season of outdoor living as much as possible! We get the gathering area ready:
yard 2012 001

We enjoy watching the fruit trees bloom :
yard 2012 003
Apples !

We get the strawberry patch weeded:
yard 2012 013

We just got chickens and bunnies this year! So we are outside all the time watching them play and grow!
yard 2012 001

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We feed the birds there suet and also fill up the kids window feeders :
yard 2012 015

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We plant the window boxes :
yard 2012 017

Of course we enjoy outdoor activities like riding bikes, wagon rides and playing on the trampoline and swingset exploring the woods is also fun!
yard 2012 018

yard 2012 019

When it gets warmer out we lay on the trampoline and stargaze!
starry night

This month we want to challenge you to :


Any day of April will do, choose an activity, plant a flower, stargaze, take a walk as a family, clean up trash, hang a birdfeeder, etc… then come and tell us what you did! What was your favorite part? What will you remember the most? We are making memories here!!!

Share your ideas and pictures by:
  • Commenting right here on the blog
  • Jump over to our Facebook Page
  • Email me with a picture and story, I will share it on the facebook page!
  • Link up here!!! (an http address is optional)

We cannot wait to be inspired by your ideas!

ENJOY!!!! Happy Parenting! Love, JL~

Brought to you by The Family Network:
Fun on a dime spring blog button play with your family

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness prayers for your ankle! It sounds like you guys are having a blast outside! Have a great camping trip! Happy parenting! Love jl ;)


Thanks for taking the time to comment! It helps me to know what to write about, what you like and what you don't like! Have a fantastic family day! :) Love, JL