
Monday, March 26, 2012

Getting Your Family Excited for General Conference!

president monson

Our Prophet , Thomas Monson


General Conference is next weekend! I got completely mixed up and thought it was Easter weekend… thank you so much to my awesome Home Teachers who came last night and reminded me that it’s this coming weekend! Now it’s time to prepare!!

I love conference. I love our dear Prophet. I love the General Authorities ( we all have our favorites). When I was a kid, General Conference meant going to church to watch a tiny tv, and be incredibly bored. I never really got into Conference until I became a teenager and then it really interested me. I want different for my kids!!! They are excited for Conference and I try to make it a happy , special time. There are so many amazing resources that we are blessed with, things they didn’t have available in the 80’s ( yup, totally gave you a hint on my age!)

So, without further ado… my favorite links and resources to make General Conference fun and meaningful for families! Even little kids can get into this fun stuff! Happy Conference to everyone! ~ – I go there first for EVERYTHING!!!!


Green Jello With Carrots- they have a cute file folder game for just over a buck!

conference file folder game

LDS . org- They have the best things of course! Here is a great article about preparing for Conference!

There are so many great ideas out there…. I’m going to try and get some more neat resources, so check the facebook page and also the comments!!! What do you guys do to make Conference Time special for your family????

Happy Parenting! Love, JL~

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Thanks for taking the time to comment! It helps me to know what to write about, what you like and what you don't like! Have a fantastic family day! :) Love, JL