
Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Small and Simple Things ~ A Blog Series on Families

Most of you know, how hard I have studied and prayed and tried to learn how to be a good LDS mommy. I am not perfect in any way, but I love learning about what the Prophets and apostles teach us, what our Father in Heaven wants us to do, etc. and how I can try harder. I have a lot of work to do! A long way to go! But I love learning and trying out ideas and most of all , I love parenting my precious children. Lately, I have been impressed with the fact that the prophets and apostles have been talking so much about doing simple things. Little by little. Doing the small and simple things each day with our families and being blessed from that. I am going to focus the next week on writing blog posts on the small and simple things that we can do daily to improve our families.

 I love this quote by Elder L. Tom Perry. He was my favorite. I know you aren't supposed to have favorites! But oh how I loved this man. I loved his big smile, and the way that he just glowed with happiness and the light of Christ. What a wonderful example he was to me. This quote is what I want to focus on this week on the blog. These are small and simple things we can do, to become the righteous, conscientious, persistent parents that our children need us to be.

These are the latter days and our children are special spirits! They need us to work hard! But it doesn't have to be such hard work that we get frightened or tired and stop trying. We need to do the small and simple things. I hope you enjoy this blog series. We have a great offer on the Scripture Study blog post that will be up in just a couple of days. I hope to include some great ideas for us to be able to do these things with our precious families. Feel free to jump in , here on the blog in the comments or on the facebook group, and share some of the ways that your families do these small, simple things daily. Happy Parenting! Love, JL~

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Thanks for taking the time to comment! It helps me to know what to write about, what you like and what you don't like! Have a fantastic family day! :) Love, JL