
Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Small and Simple Things ~ Family Prayer

*image from 

For our first post in the blog series Small and Simple Things, we will be focusing on family prayer. The quote from Elder L. Tom Perry that we are using for this series states that, " Parents must bring light and truth into their homes by one family prayer......." This is the part of the quote that we are focusing on in this post.

Family prayer is a small and simple thing we can do each day to bring our families closer together and to gain blessings. It takes just a few minutes each day. Truly a simple thing. Some families do well by having their family prayer early in the morning before father rushes off to work, kids rush off to school, etc, etc .... some families do well by gathering at bedtime and kneeling together to pray before they retire to bed. There are many ways to have family prayer, you just need to find what works best for your family and your schedule and stick to it! Be consistent. Even if you are doing it early in the morning and you are practically falling asleep.... be consistent! Don't give up! There are so many amazing blessings just from doing this one small and simple thing. Kneel together with your family and pray.

In the new nursery manual, Behold Your Little Ones, it states that " by praying together, families can grow closer to Heavenly Father and to each other and invite the Holy Ghost into their home." That is so beautiful! It truly is a beautiful feeling just to kneel together in a circle as a family. Sure you may have little ones trying to crawl away, teens who are rolling their eyes, you may feel like me and want to cry at the thought of being on your poor aching knees... but oh how the Spirit warms your heart as you kneel together and you look at your beautiful family and you being to pray each day. I love the idea of inviting the Holy Ghost into your home also. We want our homes to be havens. This is an amazing and simple way to do that. Teach your children to pray in a reverent, respectful manner. Eyes closed, arms folded, heads bowed, and on your knees if possible. In the manual , lesson 12 gives some cute ideas on how to teach really young kids how to have family prayer. You can go HERE to find the lesson.

I am super excited to tell you guys about a wonderful website that is going to be a big help to my family for sure, and I think your families will really benefit from it. has some amazing resources for families. They have graciously allowed us to have a discount code where we can purchase any of the digital downloads on the site for 25% off. It is a one time use per customer code so load up your cart and take advantage of it! I am telling you this now in this post, because they have created a really beautiful Prayer flipbook that is wonderful for teaching your children about prayer. It even has a page on family prayers.

To get your 25% off discount please go to :
When you get to the checkout, their will be a place for you to enter a coupon code, or a discount code.
Our discount code is : ldsparenting

There are countless blessings to having family prayer daily. President Hinckley gave a beautiful talk on the blessings of family prayer in the February 1991 Ensign, you can read the article HERE .  I also really like this graphic from the redheaded hostess and it comes in a pdf form to print when you purchase the prayer flipbook, but here is what it says and it is so true!

It would be worthwhile to print this out and have it framed near where you decide to hold family prayer each day. Whether it be in your living room , in your dining room around the table, or even in mommy and daddy's bedroom before bed, this pdf printable would be beautiful to have near your special spot, to remind you of all of the blessings, and also to remind you to do it!

Family prayer is important!  It will become a habit easily, and if you can be consistent with the time and place etc, then I think that it will become so easy to include this small and simple thing that will have such a huge impact on your family.  Happy Parenting! With Love, JL~

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Thanks for taking the time to comment! It helps me to know what to write about, what you like and what you don't like! Have a fantastic family day! :) Love, JL