
Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Small and Simple Things~ Family Scripture Study

I love this song! I remember being in primary ( a million years ago haha!) and when we learned this song we would clap our hands really loud every time we said the word power! I thought that was super cool as a kid. I still think it is super cool. ;) You know what else is cool ? Family Scripture Study! For today's blog in our Small and Simple Things blog series we are continuing to focus on the quote from Elder L. Tom Perry, and it states "Parents must bring light and truth into their homes....... one Scripture study session... at a time. " This is the part we are focusing on today.

I was actually going to write this post last night and I got busy with the kids and ended up putting it off until today. I'm glad I did! The new themes for 2016 were announced today for the church and I'm just so excited because the primary theme is perfect for this post! I wouldn't have seen it , if I posted this last night! The 2016 primary theme is : I Know The Scriptures Are True. HOW PERFECT!!!! Just think of all the new resources that will be coming out for us also, to teach our children about the Scriptures and to help them to gain a testimony of the power of the Scriptures. :)

Just like Family Prayer which we discussed yesterday HERE , family Scripture study takes just a few moments each day. In fact you can do Scripture study at the same time as family prayer. You don't have to sit for an hour each day and just read from the Scriptures. You can do what is right for your family! If you have little ones, it may work out to just read a few verses each day and then look at a picture from the gospel art kit that corresponds with the Scripture story. If you have older kids and teenagers, you may be looking for something more in depth. I will show you what we are using as a family later on in the post.

There are lots of neat ideas out there on how to make Scripture study more streamlined, efficient, make it a habit, and make it fun! I love the idea of keeping Scriptures in a basket near where you have your Scripture study. Everyone can just grab a Book of Mormon or Bible etc and plop down on the couch and you can begin! That is a great idea! One of the blogs I read had the funniest idea and I wish I had thought of it when my kids were younger ( heck they would probably like it now haha!) she gets a snack... something like teddy grahams, or goldfish crackers etc and the kids sit in front of her and she reads the Scriptures. They are to listen quietly for the phrases "Behold" and "It came to pass" and when they read those words, she tosses them a treat! They love it and I think it's fun! There are just so many great ideas!

So what happens when we start doing family Scripture study each day ? This small and simple thing can bring about powerful blessings. One of my favorite quotes talks about what happens when you read the Book of Mormon daily in your homes.

So beautiful! It takes just a few minutes each day and we can add it in with family prayer. Here are some fun ways to enjoy Scripture study with our families.

(image from

Once again The Redheaded Hostess has an amazing resource. This is what my family will be using this year for Scripture study. I actually got the digital download so I can print off 3 copies of the page we will be doing that day so that the kids will eventually have a binder full of neat Scripture notes, etc. Just look how cool her Book of Mormon study guide is! She is so amazingly talented! She is a seminary teacher and wow... I'm a little jealous of her seminary students... although we are blessed too because we get to take advantage of her great talents!

(image from

Here is a sample page close up... how cool is this ???? I can't wait to get started. We are starting school monday ( we homeschool) and this is what we will be using for our family Scripture study which we do at the beginning of our school day. I can't wait.

You can go HERE to check out all of the great resources from
The Redheaded Hostess! 


Another awesome resource is the LIVING SCRIPTURES STREAMING LIBRARY
I was able to have a really long amazing conversation with one of the reps, Misty, and we had a blast throwing around ideas on how to make Scripture study fun and meaningful.

 There are so many resources and family friendly videos etc with LIVING SCRIPTURES STREAMING LIBRARY. Some of the things we talked about were to watch one of the Animated Scripture Stories and then focus on that Scripture story throughout your week in Scripture study.
Choose one of the Scriptures from that particular movie and practice memorizing it throughout the week as a family!

The best part about the streaming library is it is FREE the first month! It costs under ten bucks each month and you have over 1000 different family friendly movies that are targeted especially for Latter Day Saint families. What could be better ??

Just click HERE if you are interested ! 

(image from bookofmormonforkids )

The last resource that I want to share with you for family Scripture study is this awesome interactive Book of Mormon from BOOK OF MORMON FOR KIDS . 

 I had the opportunity last year to check out and use with my family ~and then I gave it to the nursery at my ward and they have loved it so much! This is a wonderful way to do Scripture study with younger kids.

You can find it at  : INTERACTIVE BOOK OF MORMON

And here is a youtube video that explains about it and shows you some of the cute pages!

Good luck with your family Scripture study! 
Small and simple things.... we can do this!

 What are some of your favorite tips and tricks for making sure that you make time daily for Scriptures and what fun things do you do to keep it exciting ? Comment below!

 Happy Parenting! Love, JL~

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Thanks for taking the time to comment! It helps me to know what to write about, what you like and what you don't like! Have a fantastic family day! :) Love, JL